Friday, September 5, 2014


What is your computer experience?
I have a pretty good knowledge of computers, I know how to use most of the basic Microsoft programs.
What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have used Photoshop in high school in my graphic deign class. I never used Illustrator though.
Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have a desktop computer at my house but it does not have Photoshop or Illustrator.
What is your major ?
My major is Game Design
What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to get better knowledge of graphic design and to become better at using Photoshop.
Who is your favorite artist?
My favorite artist is a tie between comic book artists David Aja and Brian Lee O'Malley.
Who is your favorite musician? 
My favorite band is Green Day because I grew up listening to them.
Tell me something interesting about yourself?
I am a huge comic book collector. I have lost count of how many I have.
Write a five line story?
I was at a hotel during a convention with some friends. Late in the night we get a knock on our door. My buddy opens the door to a shirtless man holding a fire extinguisher. He asks him if he wants the extinguisher. My friend says no and asks him how he got it. He said he doesn't know because he is really f-ing drunk. A half hour later the fire alarm goes off right as I doze off. On our way out the building, the floor below was covered in smoke. Apparently a extinguisher went off. We could of prevented that and we have never forgotten that.

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