Thursday, October 16, 2014

The poster I chose is from my one of my favorite movies, Battle Royale. The movie poster shows two faceless character each holding a weapon. It shows that each student is the same as a fighter with a weapon. The weapons range from firearms to weirder things like a sickle. The poster is also black and white. It shows that the movie is going to be grim. Also the poster's only color is the bright red.  It foreshadows that it is a violent movie, It also shows off its most iconic device, the collar. The collar is a important device in the movie and the poster shows off its importance. Lastly, the tagline gives a very simplistic plot summary saying that it is every man and woman for themselves.

I am going to use simplistic designs to really get the point of my poster across. Their will also be a tagline that will give viewers a basic idea of the movie.

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