Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mission Statement

My product is called "Merica". It is an alcoholic energy drink for every American who needs that extra kick. The drink is for adult aged 21 and higher. The company is very patriotic with our brands color being red, white and blue. We want a drink that helps every hard working American feel better about their troubles.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Starbucks HW Response

After reading the article, I think Starbucks changes their logo a little too much. There is nothing wrong with a company changing their image. However, if a company changes their logo too much, it will confuse and anger long time buyers. A company needs to keep up with modern times and a changing audience. They have to keep the attention of the current audience so people do not lose interest.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Face Scan


The logo I chose is the FedEx logo. I chose this because of the hidden image inside an image. It shows that they are always moving. The hidden arrow, once seen, cannot be unseen and will always catch your eye when you see a truck. Overall, its simple but has an image that captures your eye.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The poster I chose is from my one of my favorite movies, Battle Royale. The movie poster shows two faceless character each holding a weapon. It shows that each student is the same as a fighter with a weapon. The weapons range from firearms to weirder things like a sickle. The poster is also black and white. It shows that the movie is going to be grim. Also the poster's only color is the bright red.  It foreshadows that it is a violent movie, It also shows off its most iconic device, the collar. The collar is a important device in the movie and the poster shows off its importance. Lastly, the tagline gives a very simplistic plot summary saying that it is every man and woman for themselves.

I am going to use simplistic designs to really get the point of my poster across. Their will also be a tagline that will give viewers a basic idea of the movie.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Movie poster plot.

Two peace bringers from two different worlds come together. Terrence Stone is a no nonsense veteran cop of the planet Earth. Thane Yukari is a Jedi from the planet Alderaan who is a fresh young jedi out of training. He is a little eager to get to work and he tends to rush into things. When the jedi counsel sends him to Earth to investigate a rogue, mysterious, and evil bounty hunter named Red Crow. On Earth he runs into Stone while zeroing in on the bounty hunter. Thane and Stone are ambushed but escape due to Stone's advice. Stone demands that Thane explain what just happened.Thane explains and the two decide to become partners.  The two learn about each other and they each make up for each others flaws. They both teach each other some things. Stone teaches Thane about what it means to be a cop. Thane teaches Stone about what it means to be a Jedi. He even tries to teach him the force to no success. After some interrogating,  the two track down Crow and a epic fight ensues. The two win by using clever tactics and Thane is ready to take Crow away. He tells Stone if he needs any help just give him a call. As Thane flies away, Stone tries to move a can on the road and the can shakes.

Test movie poster

Thursday, October 2, 2014

To the Point response

After reading To the Point Q and A, I learned that Dave Perillo is living his life dream. He was so dedicated to his hobby that he became very successful. He has done work for many of his childhood favorites like Doctor Who. I learned that you should not give up on your dreams. You never know where that determination will lead you.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

How to ruin a great design response

In the article, the author explains about how a bad design or changing of a design can be bad. He uses examples of British road signs, UPS, and more. He explains that its bad for company to change its design. I disagree with this however. A lot of companies have to change to keep up with the modern age. That means that they have to change their image to convince a new generation to invest in their company and their products.

Friday, September 5, 2014


What is your computer experience?
I have a pretty good knowledge of computers, I know how to use most of the basic Microsoft programs.
What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have used Photoshop in high school in my graphic deign class. I never used Illustrator though.
Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have a desktop computer at my house but it does not have Photoshop or Illustrator.
What is your major ?
My major is Game Design
What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to get better knowledge of graphic design and to become better at using Photoshop.
Who is your favorite artist?
My favorite artist is a tie between comic book artists David Aja and Brian Lee O'Malley.
Who is your favorite musician? 
My favorite band is Green Day because I grew up listening to them.
Tell me something interesting about yourself?
I am a huge comic book collector. I have lost count of how many I have.
Write a five line story?
I was at a hotel during a convention with some friends. Late in the night we get a knock on our door. My buddy opens the door to a shirtless man holding a fire extinguisher. He asks him if he wants the extinguisher. My friend says no and asks him how he got it. He said he doesn't know because he is really f-ing drunk. A half hour later the fire alarm goes off right as I doze off. On our way out the building, the floor below was covered in smoke. Apparently a extinguisher went off. We could of prevented that and we have never forgotten that.

Pic Test featuring the 90's Rock